Batch Convert GIF files to AVIF files for free online.GIF to AVIF Converter for free.Also, you can resize the AVIF file , and custom output names and width/height.
With this converter , you can convert one or multiple GIF file(s) to multiple sizes of AVIF files,
and resize the AVIF files with width/height in the Options.
Open the Options dialog , to set the new width and height as desired.
You can also upload a directory for batch converting.
Save Name : You can set {name} , {width} , {height} to resize the new AVIF image files.
If multiple files need to convert , you must set {width} and {height} tags to distinguish files of different sizes.
{name} is same as the filename of the source file.
Width and Height :
You can customize the width/height of AVIF files.
The maximum of width/height is 4000px.
Example settings:
Save Name :
{name}_{width}_{height} .avif
Width and Height
1000 X 1000
Width and Height
1500 X 1500
If you upload a pic.gif , 2 AVIF files will be converted and named as below :
pic_1000_1000.avif Width and Height: 1000x1000
pic_1500_1500.avif Width and Height: 1500 X 1500
You can click Download All button to download them within a zip file.